ABC and the political wire are reporting that Tim Mahoney is in a bit of a scandal


On one hand he isn’t gone yet. And we have a nice majority which it would seem will only rise.

None the less no one likes losing a seat much less one we were winning in.

I don’t think this will have any national play but could spell the end for the Dems holding the seat


  1. Cool it with the caps.

    But yeah. Mahoney is a goner. Great! Not.

    What a total asshole and hypocrite.

    Let’s hope this doesn’t have national play.

  2. Mahoney is a grade-A a**hole and, mind you, a lifelong REPUBLICAN before Rahm recruited him for the seat. He whines about being in Congress, refused to endorse Obama, and votes like a Republican.

    I hope he does lose.  

  3. And James L’s posting on independent expenditures shows that the DCCC pissed away $430,000 on this DINO piss ant that could have been spent, oh, say in TX-07 and TX-10, to grab a couple of deserving names out of the Lone Star State.

  4. This guy barely squeaked into office in ’06, with Mark Foley STILL ON THE BALLOT.

    Stick a fork in this one… it’s done.

    Is there any way he can bow out ala Foley so we can replace him with someone who’ll lose with an ounce of dignity ala Joe Negron?

    With everything else happening, I think/hope that it’ll be no more than a one week story, tops.  In the meantime, the incessant comparisons to Foley AND John Edwards will be simply nauseating.

  5. Tim Mahoney is one of the most unpleasant people that I have ever had the misfortune of encountering.

    Frankly, this behavior doesn’t surprise me at all. Good riddance to him.

    I’d gladly gladly trade him for a Christine Jennings, Suzanne Kosmas, Joe Garcia, Raul Martinez, or Annette Taddeo any day of the week and twice on Fridays.

  6. Pull funding, pull endorsements, etc.  While I have no problem supporting conservative candidates in conservative districts, his behavior is absolutely outrageous.  Especially since it was a set of ethical transgressions by Mark Foley that gave him the seat in the first place.  He has no business being a member of Congress, and certainly no business representing the Democratic Party.

  7. Is for the for money the DCCC and the time volunteers spent on this guy. He’s been an asshole since he first went to Congress.

  8. If these allegations are true ALL funding should be pulled from Mahoney.  The only concern I have is that Mahoney’s name being on the ballot may hurt Obama in the 16th district.  That district is only marginally republican and Obama needs a good performance there.

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